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- option add *Listbox*font \
- "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" startupFile
- option add *Entry*font \
- "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" startupFile
- option add *Label*font \
- "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" startupFile
- # this is the default proc called when "OK" is pressed
- # indicate your own proc as an argument to about
- proc about.default.cmd {f} {
- global about
- destroy $w
- }
- # this is the default proc called when error is detected
- # indicate your own proc as an argument to about
- proc about.default.errorHandler {errorMessage} {
- puts stdout "error: $errorMessage"
- catch { cd ~ }
- }
- # this is the proc that creates the about window
- proc about {
- {cmd about.default.cmd}
- {w .aboutWindow}
- {errorHandler about.default.errorHandler}} {
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- grab $w
- wm title $w "About MessMenu"
- # path independent names for the widgets
- global about
- set about(text) $w.about.sframe.text
- set about(scroll) $w.about.sframe.scroll
- set about(ok) $w.bframe.okframe.ok
- # widgets
- frame $w.about -bd 5
- frame $w.bframe -bd 5
- pack append $w \
- $w.about {top filly} \
- $w.bframe {bottom expand frame n}
- frame $w.about.sframe
- pack append $w.about \
- $w.about.sframe {top fillx}
- text $w.about.sframe.text -width 40 -height 10 -yscrollcommand "$w.about.sframe.yscroll set"
- scrollbar $w.about.sframe.yscroll -relief sunken \
- -command "$w.about.sframe.text yview"
- # text $w.about.sframe.text -width 40 -height 15
- $w.about.sframe.text insert end {
- About MessMenu V0.7.0
- ----------
- This program was designed as a front
- end menu to sdlmess.
- It is released under the terms of the
- GPL (GNU Public License) version 2.0
- or later.
- Made by Barry Nelson
- E-Mail : root@star2.abcm.com
- Change log:
- 0.7.0 07/19/2009
- Fixed multiple bugs, cleaned up
- and optimized code
- Updated to work with sdlmess
- version 0132
- 0.6.3 09/24/2008
- Added a drop menu item to edit
- mess.ini
- Added a drop menu item to reset
- mess.ini to defaults
- Rewrote the file selector to
- allow multiple disks or
- cartridges to be selected
- 0.6.2 09/21/2008
- Worked arround a minor bug in
- sdlmess 0.127 that saves the
- paths to floppy files wrong.
- Updated the mess binary to
- 0.127 universal (ppc and intel).
- 0.6.1 08/05/2008
- Fixed startup script to detect
- when executable is moved and
- have it re-init .messdir
- 0.6.0 05/05/2008
- Added preferences dialog to
- change default mess.ini settings.
- 0.5.3 05/05/2008
- Included SDL framework inside app
- 0.5.2 05/03/2008
- Corrected another space bug in
- the launcher script. Also added
- a warning if the rom does not
- exist.
- 0.5.1 05/03/2008
- Corrected silly bug that caused
- errors if certain directories
- contained spaces.
- 0.5 05/02/2008
- Initial release :-)
- }
- # pack append $w.about.sframe \
- # $w.about.sframe.yscroll {right filly} \
- # $w.about.sframe.text {left expand fill}
- pack append $w.about.sframe \
- $w.about.sframe.yscroll {right filly} \
- $w.about.sframe.text {left expand fill}
- # buttons
- # frame $w.bframe.okframe -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
- frame $w.bframe.okframe -borderwidth 2
- button $w.bframe.okframe.ok -text OK -relief raised \
- -command "about.ok.cmd $w $cmd $errorHandler"
- pack append $w.bframe.okframe $w.bframe.okframe.ok {padx 5 pady 5}
- pack append $w.bframe $w.bframe.okframe {expand padx 5 pady 5}
- }
- # auxiliary button procedures
- proc about.ok.cmd {w cmd errorHandler} {
- global about
- destroy $w
- }